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Order pizza online

Are you hungry? Do you like pizza? You don't have to go anywhere. Simply order pizza online anywhere you are!

Best pizza delivery takeaways

We collect the best pizza delivery takeaways from every part of Britain. Just choose a town and find your favorite pizza takeaway immediately.

24 hour pizza delivery, late night delivery

Some takeaways provide 24 hour pizza delivery service. You can eat freshly baked pizza any time you want!

Little Italy Express Manchester

Manchester > Little Italy Express
Little Italy Express
unit 16, Windrush Centre, Manchester, M16
Pizza from:   £ 5.30
Mo-Th 10:45-22:50
Fr 10:45-23:40
Sa 10:45-23:25
Su 10:45-22:50
Phone number
845 018 0750
No more fakes and bistros with many types of world cuisines! There is the best, authentic and original takeaway called Little Italy Express! Huge selection, real Italian pizza and FREE delivery straight to your door daily!

Delivery areas

Delivery free - Ł 0.00

M1 Manchester
M11 Manchester
M12 Manchester
M13 Manchester
M14 Manchester
M15 Manchester
M16 Manchester
M17 Manchester
M19 Manchester
M2 Manchester
M20 Manchester
M21 Manchester
M3 Manchester
M32 Manchester
M4 Manchester
M5 Salford
M50 Salford
M60 Manchester
M7 Salford
M8 Manchester

Pizzeria Little Italy Express - tips, review